Top Ways Lockers Can Maintain Happiness Levels In Students & Staff

Nobel laureate Albert Einstein once famously said, “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what then, is an empty desk a sign?” Oddly enough, this quote might have inspired a generation to advocate the benefits of cluttered space, but recent research claims otherwise, especially in the education sector.

Can Happiness Be Found In A Mess?

Imagine walking into a classroom strewn with piles of paper lying in one corner and journals, files and books kept in a disordered manner in another. Between all this, there’s no storage space for the students or teachers to keep their belongings. It might look more like a battleground and less like a classroom.

Needless to say, maintaining concentration and motivation in such a setting can be difficult. There are various studies that support this theory. Research over the years has shown that an overly cluttered and disorganised classroom can create a distraction. Students in a cluttered environment find it far more difficult to absorb information and stay engaged. Both students and teachers show a lack of interest, enthusiasm and focus in an unorganised and messy classroom. In fact, such spaces can create stress and anxiety, thus affecting student learning capabilities.

Clutter is more than just a messy space. When a classroom is overrun by papers, journals, stationery or toys (in pre-schools), it can pose a serious risk of accidental tripping or fire hazard. Items blocking access to emergency exits are also potential safety risks.

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